West of the River Chamber of Commerce Held it’s SPRING JOB FAIR 2023 – Local Jobs for Local People
The West of the River Chamber of Commerce held its Spring Job Fair 2023 – Local Jobs for Local People on April 26, 2023 at Storrowton Tavern/Carriage House from 4pm – 6:30pm.
Hundreds of people attended this event which gave local business owners the opportunity to meet with local residence and students who are looking for employment opportunities within our community. The event was designed to connect these employers with adult job seekers, high school graduates and college students in the Western Mass. area. Showcasing all of our regions career potential, the chamber’s mission is to provide the platform to bring the two together to close the unemployment gap that threatens our area and will in turn boost the local economy. There is a GREAT need for trades people in Western Mass, and this Job Fair showcased just that.
Area students will be showcased their talents and networking skills as they explore local opportunities. More seasoned professionals who wanted to better their career also presented their experience and preparation for today’s job market.
Employers in the area interested in participating as a vendor at our next job fair can register online at www.westoftheriverchamber.com