Browse our online information or call us today to make just one contact who will guide you through your expansion, relocation and other business development needs at no cost. Let us connect you to everything you need to know about doing business in Western Massachusetts.
- Real Estate- Our partnerships with brokers and municipalities can help you to grow your business where it is or find a perfect new location.
- Capital Access- The EDC's partners will help you to obtain financial resources, grants, micro-loans, venture funding and incentive programs for your business.
- Regional Data and Drive-time Analysis- Access the demographics and statistics you need for relocation and expansion decisions.
- Peer Networking- Our peer networking programs, industry-specific groups and strategic alliances can give your business new opportunities.
- Expanding Markets- Connect with governmental agencies, academic resources, international trade assistance programs and more.
- Workforce Development- A variety of recruiting and training opportunities, internship programs and grants will solve your staffing solutions.
- Academic Institutions- Tap into the resources offered by the Knowledge Corridor region's 29 colleges and universities. Access research and intellectual capitol, training programs and one of the best-educated work forces in the world.
For more information about the The Home Field Advantage program, contact Anne DeWolf at (413) 755-1368.