The Creative Economy Network (CEN) seeks the services of a local graphic design professional to develop a visual brand for a new Western Mass ArtsHub,

Call to designers/branding companies for ArtsHub. The Creative Economy Network (CEN) seeks the services of a local graphic design professional to develop a visual brand for a new Western Mass ArtsHub, an online resource portal for the creative community in Western Massachusetts.

The ArtsHub will be a dynamic, web-based portal to connect artists, residents, visitors, and creative businesses to promote regional commerce, arts/culture organizations, networking opportunities, and collaborative business experiences. The ArtsHub will be a central location to find links to jobs, resources, events, and make connections for sales of creative goods and services. It will also display the New England Foundation for the Arts’ CreativeGround database with a specific filter for Western Mass creatives. There is currently no central place to find a list of area artists or other information critical for the success of the creative community.  The ArtsHub encompasses Hamden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire Counties.  The design must address the related audiences, roughly defined as the creators and the consumers, in ways appropriate to the needs of each.

All proposals should be in PDF form and e-mailed to by June 21st.

Please find full RFP here