Relocation of ex-Yankee Pedlar building scheduled in Holyoke with viewing areas arranged…
The spectacle of yanking a building off its foundation at the former Yankee Pedlar property and moving it intact on a truck to a lot several blocks away is scheduled to begin at 6:15 a.m. Sunday. “We ask members of the public to stay off the streets, and to give the vehicle a very wide berth,” Michael Moriarty, executive director of OneHolyoke CDC, a private nonprofit housing provider acquiring the building, said Monday. The plan is for trucks and hydraulic equipment to lift the red building at 1850 Northampton St. off its roots between 6:15 and 6:30 a.m. and transport it down Beech Street, right onto Hampshire and onto its new home. The schedule calls for the building to reach the lot at 278 Pine St. between 7 and 8 a.m., he said.