Hampden County Sheriff’s Office donating face shields to aid coronavirus protections for Westfield salons, barbershops

he Hampden County Sheriff’s Office is donating face shields to Westfield salons and barbershops to help the businesses reopen to customers with protections from the coronavirus. The formal donation is scheduled Wednesday at 8 a.m., at the Vivid Salon, 99 Elm St., in Westfield. “As we work to get back to business during the pandemic, the least we can do is make sure the people providing services to us have the tools they need to safely perform their trade,” Sheriff Nick Cocchi said in advance of the event. ““Our York Street Industries manufacturing training program has juggled their normal production with making PPE (personal protective equipment), and thanks to donated materials, we have hundreds of face shields we are making available to salon and barbershop employees at no cost to them.”

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