EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loan
If you have not yet received your EIDL and did $400,000 minimum in annual revenue in 2019 along with a 640 FICO, we can help. We are a Fin-tech company specializing in helping small businesses with working capital long before COVID-19. What we can achieve that big banks can’t, is although smaller we are stronger in effectively being able to streamline the lending process and helping small businesses. If you have not yet applied for your EIDL loan, we are very confident in our ability to help you and your company.
Through VIP Capital Funding’s resources and helping to facilitate the EIDL we have been able to get over $10M of EIDL delivered to business owners within 30 days. If you are still experiencing trouble and delays, please act fast as there is only $50 billion left and we are very confident we can help.
VIP Capital Funding’s EIDL Requirements:
* $400,000 Annual Revenue
* 640 minimum credit score
Loan Example:
* $400,000 annual revenue
* EIDL Loan Amount – $125,000
* Loan Term: 30 year repayment
* APR: 3.75%
* 12 month deferment
Due to the volume I have been receiving, If you meet these above requirements, text 919-521-8451 and introduce yourself with your annual revenue and your credit score. I am no longer accepting phone calls due to extraordinary volume. We are working around the clock and doing our best as a unit to help fund small businesses. We are highly trained, specialized, confident, and our mission is to make sure EIDL funding is reserved for your company.