BusinessWest Accepting Nominations for Women of Impact Awards

BusinessWest magazine decided recently, after much consideration, to launch a new recognition program to honor a specific segment of the local population: women. More specifically, women making an impact in and on this region. BusinessWest is currently accepting nominations for the Women of Impact honor (, and those who score the highest in the eyes and minds of a panel of three independent judges will be honored at a luncheon in December (date and venue to be determined). “We decided to create a special program recognizing women because, after careful consideration, we decided that this region needed one and that BusinessWest was the right organization to do it,” Kate Campiti, associate publisher and sales manager for BusinessWest, explained. “While women have certainly made great strides over the past several decades, and many women have made great achievements and broken through that proverbial glass ceiling, doing so remains a stern challenge for many.”

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