Baystate Health Urgent Request for Personal Protection Equipment
Dear EDC Members and Affiliates
Attached is a list of personal protection equipment (PPE) that Baystate Medical and our other surrounding hospitals are in desperate need of. While the attachment does picture specific items that does not mean that supplies that you may have in inventory aren’t as good or acceptable. (Manufacturers…your safety googles may work just fine).
I know we have all been looking for meaningful ways to help out during these stressful times of COVID-19. Our frontline medical professionals and first responders need our help. I would encourage our colleges, universities, public and private schools, medical study programs, manufacturers, and any company or organization that has existing inventory on the shelves, that you will not be using in the next few months due to closures, to donate the equipment today.
In order to better coordinate donations I would ask that you contact one of the following individuals listed on the flyer below..
Thank you,
Rick Sullivan