$3.4 Million to Support STEM Equipment and Teacher Professional Development

Today, the Baker-Polito Administration and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) announced 27 grants totaling $3.4 million through the MLSC’s STEM Equipment and Professional Development Grant program. The awards will support new and expanded curricula at 93-plus schools, serving more than 38,200 students, and providing more than 730 teachers with professional development.

These funds will prepare students for life sciences careers by enabling schools to purchase lab equipment, materials, supplies, and technology, as well as provide teacher professional development that supports implementation of advanced curricula and standards alignment. 

Since 2012, the MLSC has awarded $21.5 million to more than 240 high schools and middle schools throughout Massachusetts. This includes more than $20 million in funding for equipment and supplies and nearly $1.2 million for teacher professional development. These awards have leveraged nearly $3 million in cash and in-kind matching funds from industry and non-profit partners.

MLSC STEM equipment and professional development funding has served schools in 13 out of 14 Massachusetts counties and all 26 Gateway Cities, including all 39 vocational-technical high schools with a life sciences program. Including the awards announced today, 33 percent of all Massachusetts public middle and high school students have access to MLSC-funded equipment.

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