Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) Webinar on Migration

MTF hosts a presentation on migration patterns affecting Massachusetts and the rest of the country. The program will include a presentation on national trends, followed by a panel discussion on what those trends mean for the Commonwealth.

The webinar is called Massachusetts at a Time of Transition and Competition and will explore national migration trends and assess their impact on Massachusetts. We’re really excited about the lineup which will include:
• A presentation from Pew State Fiscal Health Project demographics expert Asia Biernacka-Lievestro;
• A moderated discussion with Tricia Canavan (CEO at Tech Foundry), Pam Eddinger (President of Bunker Hill Community College), and Luc Schuster (Executive Director of Boston Indicators).

We think the discussion will provide a good orientation for how national patterns of movement affect the state, while also thinking through how public policy can be a tool for reducing out-migration and compensating for its impacts. You can register here.