As we prepare to return to the office, the preparation may seem daunting. Although temporary we hope, these measures are important and Interscape is here to help you with innovative and unique solutions to establish a safer workplace.
The 6’ Rule: Utilizing your office plan, we can graphically show you how you keep proper 6’ distance while you work. Establish areas where people can and can’t sit, establish distances for meeting rooms, etc.
Traffic Patterns: Using the same plan, we will propose one way traffic patterns and help graphically represent on plan and with signage in your space.
Safety Product Solutions: There are various product solutions that will provide division on desks, privacy screens to divide space, acrylic screens at open plan workstations and various other solutions to safeguard your work environment.
Open Discussion: Interscape is always happy to discuss possible best practices and solutions with it’s clients and to share what other companies are doing to get their office ready to return.
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